BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Birth (Week 40)

Our son Harrison was born on his due date: March 30, 2012 at 4:19am! He was born after 28 hours of labor weighing 9lbs 2oz and measuring 21 inches.

It started at 11pm on Wednesday March 28th, less than a half hour after going to bed for the night. I woke up to my water breaking. There was no mistaking the feeling. By midnight, my contractions had begun. I phoned Liz, our Doula, who told us to get some rest and to keep her informed of any changes. I phoned Gloria, my sister, and told her the news. She couldn't go back to sleep and soon was on the road up north.

By 3am, the contractions seemed to be closer together and Liz arrived at the house. She dimmed the lights, helped me relax and had us get some rest. Dave had packed the car and we were ready to head to the hospital when the time came.

Gloria arrived around 6am and we headed to the hospital at about 9am. Due to rush hour traffic, it took us a little longer to get to the hospital than we had anticipated, but we had plenty of time. It was an odd feeling having contractions in the car and as we walked into the hospital (in my pajamas). I had to stop several times with Dave holding me until the contraction subsided. I was about 4cm dilated, admitted to the hospital, and we all went to the labor and delivery room where I would be for the next 20 hours.

Dave, Gloria and Liz did a wonderful job of making me feel as comfortable and supported as possible. I was in my own element, breathing through each contraction as it came. They offered constant words of encouragement, massage, ice chips, had me get in different positions and offered suggestions to keep my labor moving along. This included slow dancing with Dave, rocking on the birth ball, laying down when needed and walking to and from the bathroom. Dave even gave me a shower twice to help me relax and rejuvenate my exhausted body.

Somewhere along the line, the doctor informed us that based on my bloodwork, I had developed HELLP Syndrome. My liver and kidney values were high and I had a low platelet count, which could affect clotting. Due to my condition they monitored the baby and myself more closely to be sure we were kept safe.

At around 10:30pm on Thursday night, my body needed a break. The ever increasing pain and exhaustion of labor had finally worn me out and despite my intentions of a natural childbirth, I decided to get an epidural. They also gave me Petocin to step up contractions as numerous checks still had me at 5cm after all we had done to help things progress. We were worried I might need a Cesarean since he didn't seem to want to come down. I guess I had been keeping him too cozy in there.

Thankfully by 2:30am on Friday, we had some good news! I was fully dilated and I began to start pushing. Dave and Gloria stood on either side of me holding up my legs when a contraction hit, while Liz shot some photos. They soon announced that they could see his head! I was so excited and relieved that I would soon be meeting my son. Hearing Dave, Liz and Gloria constantly encouraging me and informing me of the progress really kept me going. At 4:19am on Friday, March 30, 2012, Harrison David was born. He spent time cuddling with me and also with his daddy and was welcomed into the world with an abundance of love.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Final Stretch (Week 39)

It's hard to believe I'm a week away from my due date, March 30th. Yes, I waddle. It shouldn't be long before we're holding our baby boy. Every little something I feel going on with my body, I wonder if labor is starting. It seems odd to be looking forward to enduring the most painful experience of my life. I guess it's more the outcome, but I am, of course, curious about the labor and delivery portion as well. I'm just amazed and excited to be able to have this life experience. This may be my last post before he's born, although I hear first time moms often go beyond their due dates, so we'll see. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Waiting for Baby (Week 38)

My last day of work was on Friday. They had a nice going away get together for me with a cake and a present for the little one. It's so heartwarming to be working with such a caring and supportive group of people. I'm home now waiting for the baby to decide he's ready to make his appearance into the outside world.

On Sunday after a day of errands, I bent down to pick something up and felt a sharp pain in my lower back. Unfortunately, this has added to my already present back pain and has made it pretty hard to even get around the house. Fortunately, I don't have to go back to work. Funny how the timing works out like that. It's slowly getting a little better with rest, ice, heat and stretching.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Full Term (Week 37)

I have officially reached the point where my pregnancy is considered full term. However, it feels like he's pretty cozy in there and will likely stay put another few weeks. If he were to decide and come out now though, he would likely do just fine. I've gotten so used to the feeling of being pregnant, it's going to be quite a transition from having him in my belly to having him in my arms.

Dave and I have moved his pack and play next to the bed and created a mobile to hang above it (the fish above is part of that design). Dave cleaned out the car and installed the infant car seat. We have signed up for a cloth diaper service, so between those and the disposables we were given as gifts, we should be good in that department. We picked up a diaper bag and are deciding on his little coming home outfit. We have been meeting regularly with our Doula and have discussed the birth plan.

Everything is coming together and I feel great!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Braxton Hicks (Week 36)

I felt my first Braxton Hicks contractions this weekend. I guess we have them all along, but sometimes only feel them in the last part of pregnancy. It feels like my stomach suddenly gets really hard and tight, then it subsides after a little bit. I've only felt it a few times, but it's exciting!

A funny thing that happened this weekend...

Dave and I went to test drive a few cars on Saturday. I was joking with him about having my water break in one of the new cars. Wouldn't that be something. I guess then we'd have to buy it. Then, after getting out of the third car, which was a used Honda, it felt like the seat of my pants were all wet. Could my water have just broken?! I held my purse behind my backside and waited till Dave was done talking with the salesman, then told him I was ready to go. I told him what had happened and we got in our car after laying down a towel on my seat.

After talking more about it, he said when he was feeling around in the back of the car, the rug was wet, so they must have just washed the interior and it wasn't dry yet. It did have that cleaner smell too. He checked out the car we had just driven and the seat where I was sitting was fine. No, my water didn't break.

Phew! They shouldn't do that to a pregnant woman. By the time we got home my pants were dry. I guess it felt worse than it was.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Doula Labor Support (Week 35)

Before my pregnancy I wasn't familiar with the term "Doula". After hearing the term repeatedly through books, websites and prenatal classes, we decided to look into it. At first I was a bit skeptical as to whether hiring a doula would be right for me. I have thought about having a child and giving birth my whole life. I never imagined it to include a support person that I didn't know.

A doula is a person that you hire to be there throughout labor and delivery. She will come to the house at the onset of labor and continue with us to the hospital when the time is right. Through her knowledge and experience, she supports the laboring mother and her partner to help ensure a positive birth experience. She provides emotional support through encouragement, patience and her knowlege of the laboring and birthing process. She provides physical support through massage, use of various relaxation techniques and suggests progressive labor and delivery positions to help ease discomfort. Should complications arise, she ensures we have a good understanding of our options and the information presented to us. She helps in overseeing that our birth plan is followed when appropriate.

After meeting with our Doula, Liz, and learing more about the process and the support she will provide not only for me, but for Dave, I am looking forward to the birth of our son, with less fear of the unknown.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Baby Shower (Week 34)

We feel very fortunate to have such supportive friends and family. The baby showers at both the Mahoney's and at the Tachibana's were wonderful. We feel so grateful for everyone's generosity. I was not expecting to be so prepared for our little one's arrival. We have been washing and sorting all the cute clothes, hats, socks and blankets that we received. We have put together the bouncer, pack n play, stroller, car seats, bathtub and high chair. Dave even tried on the baby carrier, secure with a doll for practice! We have been organizing and sorting all the books, towels, bibs, diapers, bath supplies and various other items. I can't wait until we can put everything to use in about a month!